The Adventure Aquarium team is made up of dedicated individuals who work together to provide exceptional care for our animals and a fun and safe experience for our guests. Get to know our team members, and hear from the experts about our hidden gems and tips for visiting that will make your experience even better.
How long have you worked at Adventure Aquarium?
8 years
Best thing about working at Adventure Aquarium?
Getting to be part of the pretty amazing team of husbandry staff and volunteer divers that are responsible for keeping the exhibits looking as clean as they do.
Favorite spot for Guests?
I love diving shipwrecks, so my favorite spot in the whole aquarium is our Shipwreck Exhibit in Pirates Passage. It even has my favorite animal, a big green moray eel, hiding in there that I always take the time to look for whenever I get to dive.
How long have you worked at Adventure Aquarium?
2 Years
Best thing about working at Adventure Aquarium?
It’s hard to choose just one thing, but here are two of my favorites. Being able to get frequent access to the animals is my favorite fringe benefit of my job. Sometimes I’ll be downstairs in the breakroom, or in the office and a penguin will pass me in the hallway (always in the company of a biologists, of course!). As for the day-to-day parts of my job, my favorite thing is when someone really gets excited or intrigued by some of the information I have shared with them about our animals. Getting to regularly blow people’s minds with how truly amazing, and sometimes weird, life on our planet can be is my favorite aspect about my job.
Favorite spot for Guests?
It’s hard to pick just one, but my suggestion is to check out our Shark Realm exhibit from all the different angles. You can look in the big window in Shark Den, see the animals from below in Shark Tunnel, and above on Shark Bridge, and there are tons of other viewing windows spread throughout the exhibit! Be sure to get as many vantage points as possible.